A variation refers to any form of request to change an item in your contract that has been agreed to by us in writing.
A bulkhead is a structure designed which conveys a change in the ceiling heights. This is a feature which is used in modern homes to separate different rooms or sections of the house.
Clients are more than welcome to be on site with permission from site supervisors to ensure their safety.
A Brick veneer wall is constructed by having a non-structural external layer, usually with bricks and it is backed by an air cavity. The innermost element of this type of wall is structural can consist of wood, metal framing or masonry.
Our office hours are between 9:00am and 5:00pm, Monday to Friday. Weekends are available with prior appointments.
A retaining wall can be made of different materials, such as sleepers, blocks or bricks, but it’s essentially a wall built to retain fill. A retaining wall ensures soil doesn’t move from the allocated area.
Yes, Finesse home builders specialise in custom built homes which cater to religious beliefs.
An easement is a section of land registered on your property title, which gives someone the right to use the land for a specific purpose even though they are not the land owner.
Recycled water is wastewater that has been purified so it can be used again for new purposes.